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Connect with your Higher Self blog by Amber Price The Clarity Expert

Connect with Your Higher Self

May 5th, 2020

The Higher Self is a part of you, not separate from you. It is the part of you that sees, feels, and knows the highest level of wisdom that your soul and physical being needs to exist at the highest level of authenticity: your consciousness.

Here are 10 simple steps you can take to connect with your Higher Self:

1. Get in a comfy position.

2. Take deep breaths. Inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth (fill your belly with air).

3. Clear your mind. Imagine how you clear your head and start to drift off when you are ready to sleep for the night.

4. Acceptance. Know you are always connected to your Higher Self.

5. Notice changes in your body, mind, soul.

6. Take note of any thoughts or memories that pop into your mind, emotions, physical sensations, scents, sounds, tastes, or images. These are all messages and affirmation that you are connecting to your Higher Self.

7. Ask your Higher Self yes or no questions for clear messages.

8. Continue to deep breathe if you feel blocked or have difficulty letting your mind wonder.

9. When complete, thank your Higher Self and gently allow yourself to come back to the present moment.

10. Write down any messages you received during this exercise, even if you do not understand them right now, keep note of them and review them later!

You can do this as often as you want, your ability to connect will become quicker and easier the more you practice. Remember, you are always connected to your Higher Self, it is a part of you not separate from you!

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Amber Price The Clarity Expert Blog

Amber Price

Clarity Coach, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Educator, Speaker, Conscious Entrepreneur

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